Predominance of Digital Signature
Digital Signature
provides assurance to the proof about your origin, transactions, identity and
using this one can acknowledge consent by the signer. This technique, to an
extend helps to prevent impersonation in digital
world and also helps to avoid tampering of handwritten signature and stamped
seal. So, as a result digital signature is
a method to confirm integrity and authenticity of software, digital documents
and messages. Nowadays all around the world adopts the concept of digital
signature instead of conventional handwritten signatures. The US government now
legally accepts the electronic representation of their budgets, congressional
bills and their laws using digital signature. A digital
signature can be used with either encrypted or unencrypted messages, and
the receiver can ensure the genuinity of the sender’s message. The digital signature is always distinctive for
the signer and the document. This process is called non-repudiation. This makes
the signer not to deny the signed document as not signed. The new mailing
technologies now use the concept of digital signature and digital certificate
and use for validating incoming mails and signing of outgoing mails. Digital signature and digital certificates are
confused to be same. But it is not. Digital certificate are electronic
documents that includes digital signatures issued by a certifying authority. A
digital signature which is authenticated provides cryptographic proof that the
stated entity signed the document. A digital
signature only authenticates the signed data which may be a document or
representation of document, if it is unaltered. If the document undergoes a
modification, the digital signature fails
to authenticate.
Electronic Signature Online certificates bind a public key to an electronic signature and recognize it. A certificate containing a public key identifies an individual.